THE calories are essential for understanding our dietary needs and metabolism. On average, to gain one kilogram of body weight, it is necessary to accumulate approximately 7700 calories. This means that a calorie surplus of this amount must be achieved to see weight gain. Conversely, to lose one kilo, you must create an equivalent calorie deficit, or burn 7700 calories. Therefore, to optimize your weight, it is crucial to know your daily calorie needs, which can vary depending on your age, gender, weight and level of physical activity.
Understand the link between calories consumed and body weight is essential for anyone wishing to manage their weight, whether for to lose weight, maintain or gain muscle mass. Every day, our body needs a certain number of calories to function properly. But how many of these calories actually correspond to one kilogram of body weight? This article breaks down the subject to provide you with clear and precise answers.
The concept of calories and weight loss
A calorie is a unit of measurement of the energy that we provide to our body through our food. Typically, to lose one kilogram of body weight, it is necessary to create an energy deficit of approximately 7700 calories. This means that if you burn 7,700 calories more than you consume, you should theoretically lose one kilogram of fat.
Example of Calorie Deficit
For example, if you want to lose one kilogram in a week, you will need to burn approximately 1000 extra calories per day. This can be accomplished through a combination of restricted diet and increased physical activity. For example, by eating 500 fewer calories per day and burning 500 more calories through exercise, you will achieve this goal.
Calculating daily calorie needs
To figure out how many calories you should eat each day, start by calculating your basic metabolism (BMR). This represents the number of calories your body requires to function at rest. The basic formula is:
(9,740 x weight in kg) + (172.9 x height in m) – (4,737 x age in years)
Once you’ve estimated your BMR, you can multiply it by an activity factor to get your total calorie needs. For example, if you have an active lifestyle, add approximately 30 to 40% to your basic caloric need.
Calorie consumption to gain or lose weight
To maintain your current weight, the majority of recommendations for adults suggest an average calorie intake of 2100 calories per day for men and 1800 calories for women. If you are considering lose weight, a reduction of 500 to 1000 calories per day is often recommended, which leads to weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week.
Calorie consumption for mass gain
Conversely, to gain muscle mass, it is recommended to add calories to your diet. For example, for a effective mass gain, kindly detailed here: how many calories for effective mass gain, it may be necessary to consume up to 3000 calories per day, depending on your level of physical activity.
Conclusion on calculating calories and weight
In summary, understanding how many calories you should consume daily and how that translates into weight is essential for anyone wanting to gain or lose weight. For a detailed guide on how to achieve your ideal calorie intake and additional tips, visit this link or consult nutrition platforms like Nutri&Co which provide useful information on calculating your daily calorie needs.
Calories and Body Mass
Number of calories | Corresponding pounds |
7700 | 1 kg |
3850 | 0.5kg |
15400 | 2kg |
1540 | 0.2kg |
2300 | 0.3kg |
77000 | 10kg |
11000 | 1.4kg |
30850 | 4kg |
38500 | 5kg |
6600 | 0.85kg |
Understanding the link between calories and weight
When considering weight management, it is crucial to understand how much calories we must consume daily and how this translates in terms of weight loss or gain. One kilogram of body mass is generally estimated to be equivalent to around 7700 calories. So knowing your daily calorie intake can help you determine how much kilos you can lose or gain over time.
Calculate your calorific needs
To establish a plan tailored to your needs, it is essential to first determine your basic metabolism (MB), which represents the number of calories your body burns at rest. To do this, you can use the following formula:
(9,740 x your weight in kilos) + (172.9 x your height in meters) – (4,737 x your age) = basal metabolism
Once you have your BMR, it is possible to adjust this number based on your physical activity level to establish your daily calorie needs.
Calories needed to lose or gain weight
To lose weight, a common recommendation is to aim for a calorie deficit. To do this, you can multiply your current weight by 25 to estimate your maximum daily calorie intake to lose weight. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, this equates to a maximum intake of 1750 calories per day to lose weight effectively.
On the other hand, to gain weight or build your muscle mass, it is often recommended to increase your calorie intake. In general, a calorie surplus of 300 to 500 calories per day may be enough to gain weight in a healthy way while minimizing fat accumulation.
Calories and macronutrient distribution
When you calculate your caloric needs, it is also vital to pay attention to the distribution of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Each macronutrient provides a different number of calories:
- 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
- 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
- 1 gram of lipids = 9 calories
A good distribution not only makes it easier to achieve your weight goals, but also helps maintain a balanced diet and healthy every day.
The effect of calories on weight loss
To lose one kilogram of weight, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit of approximately 7700 calories. This means that on average, you would need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 1000 calories per day to achieve a loss of 1 kg per week. However, it is important to do it gradually to avoid nutritional deficiencies and negative consequences on your health.
Finally, it is good to remember that each individual is unique, and calorie needs may vary depending on age, gender, body composition and level of physical activity. Therefore, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional or dietitian to develop a personalized plan tailored to your weight goals.
Calories and Weight Loss
Calories to burn | Weight lost (kg) |
7700 | 1 |
15400 | 2 |
23100 | 3 |
30800 | 4 |
38500 | 5 |
46200 | 6 |
53900 | 7 |
61600 | 8 |
69300 | 9 |
77000 | 10 |
FAQs on calories per day and their impact on weight
How many calories is in one kilogram of body mass? On average, it is estimated that one kilogram is approximately 7700 calories.
How do I calculate my daily calorie needs? To determine your caloric needs, start by calculating your basic metabolism using the formula: (9,740 x weight in kilos) + (172.9 x height in meters) – (4,737 x age in years).
How many calories per day do you need to lose weight? A general rule for weight loss is to multiply your current weight by 25 to get the maximum number of calories to consume each day.
What is the recommended calorie intake for adults? According to ANSES, a contribution of 2100 kcal/day is recommended for women and 2500 kcal/day for men.
How many calories should I reduce my intake to lose one pound per week? To lose one kilo of body fat in a week, it is necessary to burn approximately 7700 calories, or approximately 1000 calories deficit per day.
How do I know how many calories I spend while resting? On average, a man burns approximately 2100 calories per day at rest, while a woman spends around 1800 calories.
How can I optimize my diet for weight gain? For effective mass gain, it is often recommended to increase your intake 30 to 40 kcal per kg of body weight per day.